To baby or not to baby

As a woman soon to be 30 it seems society makes you start thinking about when is best to have children - or maybe you start thinking about this considerably earlier but you daren't admit that to anyone. If you're a career-orientated, driven, ranting lady like myself, you might have gotten married by now (cos weddings are great parties right, and done honestly, truly & equally they can be one of the most amazing days of your life) ... but you've always just put off that 'children' decision.
I think people put off this decision for a variety of reasons. Lots of press and magazine shite about us being the most fantastically selfish generation (Thatcher's children etc. - always love that excuse/phrase, wonder what Mark & Carol T think of it), but I think it's so much more than that.
For me, I'm shit-scared - seriously shit-scared. Until embarrassingly recently I was petrified of needles, I had my first blood test less than 2 years ago and that involved 2 sleepless nights prior to the event. So, obviously the thought of all that pain and being entirely out of control ... I mean jeeeeesus. Now you don't hear that reason very much in the papers do you? I mean, I'd like kids, I think, and I know my other half wants them... but TIME & PAIN are my key reservations... I have lots of things to achieve in this life and having kids involves crazy amounts of precious time right, not that you'd regret it at the time.....
My conclusion - I THINK - is that you're more likely to regret NOT having kids than having them... perhaps I am wrong in this....
My other conclusion is - I'm not ready yet baby'o!
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