Nearing the end!

So I'll be 39 weeks pregnant on Wednesday - I'm basically there, in fact I'm a little surprised it hasn't arrived already! Je suis enorme, and pretty uncomfortable but it's funny how you just sort of become resound to your state... Psychologically you're amazingly prepared for labour as you just absolutely don't want to be pregnant anymore - though no doubt that little event is still going to be a complete shock to the system. I began to cope a little better once I stopped work at 36+ weeks, this took the pressure off me in that I didn't feel so deeply frustrated that I couldn't sleep properly at nights - 'cos nights are utterly shit, up and down like a yo-yo, aches and pains like an old granny, and braxton bloody hicks.

So - I had all these fabulous plans for activities during maternity leave before bubba arrived but cos I'm generally pretty immobile there's only so much I can do :(. Done some art, a bit of work, played thousands of games of scrabble, backgammon and cribbage... and cleaned/washed and washed again. OH, by contrast, has done a lot of gardening! The most frustrating thing is that I really didn't want to feel that I was 'waiting', but unfortunately this has been unavoidable... we are both, very much, 'waiting' to meet this little thing... And it's about damn time it came out!