Feeling better
People keep saying I'm looking, that old cliche, 'blooming', and whilst part of me wants to check them and tell them I'm really disliking being pregnant and have had some horrid times, I'm also aware that I am feeling a lot better. I think the last time someone said I was looking 'blooming' I responded by saying 'the next person that says that will get a punch in the face'. I didn't mean it, but erm... hormones, maybe I did. 26 weeks today makes bubba about 10inches from head to rump and she/he is incredibly active - I'm kicked regularly but most noticeably in the evenings between about 9:30 and 11... The mornings are particularly good, but some afternoons I'm prone to my whole stomach cramping up and the fibroids pushing very uncomfortably against my ribs. But still, not the shit I had before, oh no!
This new lease of life is enabling me to get on a bit better with work tasks etc... It's also allowing time to reflect upon my future work-life balance. Being moralised at by a colleague's wife yesterday, about how she thought there was far too much pressure on mum's to return back to work quickly and that they might regret not spending lots of time with little children, made me even more certain that I wanted to return to f/t work no later than 6mths after bubba is here. Of course, I do not yet know how I'm going to react to it... who does at this stage? But I guess by the age of 32 you do have some
inkling about how you're going to feel.
I've conducted this great survey collecting advice from friends about key things to buy, advice for last few weeks of pregnancy, the birth and the first few weeks after... I'm so impressed by peoples' openness, passions and warmth. I was also not entirely surprised to learn that people have very different ways of dealing with things, for example there seemed to be a fairly significant difference of opinion about how to go about routine after the baby arrives... Reading this made me think again about what sort of mother I thought I might end up being - I've decided that it's utterly fruitless aspiring or hoping to be a particular 'type' of parent, I think you just emerge as one according to your own personality and experiences.
The other thing this survey and recent events have made me reflect upon is how I've begun to cope much better with the idea of not being in control - an alien concept for me (as it is for many women I should imagine) at the beginning. It's truly quite a transformation to undergo and initially I fought the abandonment process (as I did the pain, not the way to deal with that I can tell you), and I do still seek control in key areas of my life, but anything to do with pregnancy/baby I think you just have to resound yourself to accepting fate... Ahh, that's so damned difficult...
Finally - another strange phenomenon - I thought I'd hate it when people come up to me and feel this hard-rock of an expanding stomach, but no, I don't mind it that much at all. Weird eh?
So, to conclude, a more positive last couple of weeks. YEH!
This new lease of life is enabling me to get on a bit better with work tasks etc... It's also allowing time to reflect upon my future work-life balance. Being moralised at by a colleague's wife yesterday, about how she thought there was far too much pressure on mum's to return back to work quickly and that they might regret not spending lots of time with little children, made me even more certain that I wanted to return to f/t work no later than 6mths after bubba is here. Of course, I do not yet know how I'm going to react to it... who does at this stage? But I guess by the age of 32 you do have some

I've conducted this great survey collecting advice from friends about key things to buy, advice for last few weeks of pregnancy, the birth and the first few weeks after... I'm so impressed by peoples' openness, passions and warmth. I was also not entirely surprised to learn that people have very different ways of dealing with things, for example there seemed to be a fairly significant difference of opinion about how to go about routine after the baby arrives... Reading this made me think again about what sort of mother I thought I might end up being - I've decided that it's utterly fruitless aspiring or hoping to be a particular 'type' of parent, I think you just emerge as one according to your own personality and experiences.
The other thing this survey and recent events have made me reflect upon is how I've begun to cope much better with the idea of not being in control - an alien concept for me (as it is for many women I should imagine) at the beginning. It's truly quite a transformation to undergo and initially I fought the abandonment process (as I did the pain, not the way to deal with that I can tell you), and I do still seek control in key areas of my life, but anything to do with pregnancy/baby I think you just have to resound yourself to accepting fate... Ahh, that's so damned difficult...
Finally - another strange phenomenon - I thought I'd hate it when people come up to me and feel this hard-rock of an expanding stomach, but no, I don't mind it that much at all. Weird eh?
So, to conclude, a more positive last couple of weeks. YEH!
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