Friday, April 21, 2006


... or lack thereof is the bane of my life. I am currently obsessed with computer games and very proficient at work avoidance. I am therefore useless.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Essential questions for modern brides


Why get married in a church when you don't believe in any deity?
Why wear a white dress given all that it signifies?
Why get walked down the isle by one man to be given to another?
Why take his surname when he would have no intention of taking yours?
Why sit mute throughout the speeches?
(Oh and why spend £15,000 on a wedding when you could do it for 5?)

Why the f*** did Emily Davison jump in front of that horse again?

Why am I so damn obsessed with the way people get married*?

*Answer: Because I think it says so much about how a couple see themselves (gay or straight). It is a public statement and a highly significant event for other people as much as the betrothed, and I strongly believe that if you get it wrong it will haunt you for the rest of your life. But really, at the end of the day who am I to say anything, it's about choice isn't it.....


Seeing primroses in the wild has to be one of the most comforting and beautiful of British experiences.

The train passed by some this morning... For a few, gold-dust seconds the mere sight of them made me feel at one with this country and the people with whom I share it. My faith in humanity was entirely restored as I watched seemingly like-minded people glance a loving look at them too... I had hope for us all and for the ability of humankind to make this world a better place. It was a wonderful moment.

But then I returned to the newspaper to read about the latest suicide bombings in Iraq.

Have you met her?

She is the most egocentric, self-obsessed, judgemental cow I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. With a self-imposed elevation above and beyond all other living beings, she wanders through life lecturing others on hypocrisy and righteousness. Armed with an Oxbridge PhD and first-hand knowledge of geniuses, lunatics and imbeciles, she believes that gives her the right to rant at life. She is the most contradictory and ill-disciplined person I know, and she frustrates the hell out of me almost as much as she frustrates herself. Given the fact that she is a supposed humanist and feminist, she is pretty harsh on humanity and especially her own sex. If only she was a little 'nicer'.

Well, enough about me. What about you? Now, be honest...