Thursday, May 18, 2006

The sexist British Gas salesman

I couldn't believe it - I am still raging and it's right up there with the solicitor episode (when I went to sign the contract on my house, and they had put my partner's details on first without need, it seemed, for my NI number, address etc. even though I HAD PAID FOR EVERYTHING AND DONE ALL THE F***ING WORK [he had only 'decided' to come in on it at the last minute]).

So, a British Gas man calls to dutifully tell me I was paying too much with Powergen and should swap back to BG etc. etc. He was a fairly young guy, who was not the most articulate of speakers. He failed to garble one point to me and, when I told him I hadn't understood, he saw the man sitting on the sofa and said to him, 'Oh, I didn't see you there', turning back to me, 'can I speak to him please?'.
'Why????', my husband and I responded...
'I am the one who sorts everything out here, why would you like to speak to him?' I said.... this flumuxed the guy and he continued talking absolute bollox to the two of us. So I said I wasn't interested, shut the door and was left utterly shocked.

Hmmm, what should I do? Should I run after him and give him a loud feminist dressing-down so that everyone on our street could hear? Should I get on to the phone to BG and report this amazing event? Should I go slash his tires?

But then reason and compassion won the day... the guy was just a BG salesman and not a particularly attractive one at that! He lacked communication skills, intelligence, and, if anyone was forced to knock on people's doors at 7pm each evening to sell shit for a living... well you've got to give them your pity right? I mean, the guy obviously hadn't benefited from a decent education... poor, sexist bastard.

As if British Gas have a hope in hell of ever getting my custom now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't knock it{pardon the pun}these guys are on around 70k per year and he prob started his shift at 6 and was done by about 8.shame he sounds rather ignorant and fairly thick but hey at least he's not scrounging benefits or worse.....
someone who knows about this industry.

9:07 pm  

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