Give that man a bloody tissue & make that one pay for an extra seat!

I travel by train every other day or so. Long journeys. Whilst I find the usual delays etc. frustrating, I find the general experience to be a pleasant one, time to reflect and read. I am an ordinary person in this respect.
But is my profound annoyance and frustration at the behaviour of others normal? There are two things that, quite honestly, piss me off (and they have little to do with mobile-phones or personal stereos, something British Rail seems to think we are all obsessed by)...
1) People who sniff, sniff, sniff all the way home but fail to use a bloody tissue. The sound of sniffing is akin, for me, to the sound of grating fingernails down a brick-wall, or the sound of someone eating noisily with their mouth open. Now they may have hayfever or a cold, or some other legitimate CAUSE, but there is no legitimate EXCUSE. Do I: (a) offer them a tissue and smile sweetly (even if this involves walking from one end of the carriage to the other)?; (b) gather myself together and move away from them to another carriage?; or (c) cough extremely loudly (or even better, shriek) immediately after every sniff they make?
2) People who take up two seats, usually with excess baggage, which could so easily be stored under the bloody feet. I empathise with the need to have your stuff close by, but hogging that space on busy trains, hoping that you will be the very last person who has to give up the spare seat next to them - well that's just damn selfish.
Mind you, if there are too many of those in category (1) above, I have considerably more sympathy for those in category (2).
HURRAH, finally! someone who understands! I thought it was just me.....I use all in all four trains a day...and for months (Don't get me started on Xmas delays) I have been building up a massive rant on why I hate trains....
I thought it was just me :)
what about coughers? Especially those who look like they're going to bring up a lung at any moment. I kind of feel sorry for them and always think would it be too forward of me to offer them a chewing gum, some water, anything to make them shut up! Especially on the tube...
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